I'm Jannik Schilling, a German-born investor who now lives in the United States. In a previous life, I was a physicist, and before that, a programmer.
On this blog, you'll find all sorts of essays, ranging from what I have been reading to thoughts on startups, physics, and (political) philosophy. My approach to this blog, and to thinking about the world broadly speaking, is to follow my curiosity and inquisitiveness rather than a specific, pre-set agenda.
During my boyhood, I thought about big questions, starting with the nature and origin of the universe, moving on to the existence and place of God, all the way to the big questions of human nature. We don't think about these questions much today, partly because they are very hard, or because we believe we have found the final solutions, or because they are too dangerous to think about. I believe we need to contemplate these questions again.
Given the lack of recent scholarship on any of these questions, I tend to read older essays. I often come across eclectic books, ideas, and essays.
Disclaimer: I don't endorse the content of any of the books you can find on this blog. They should be seen in the light of a broad inquiry into the world that we currently live in, rather than the affirmation or rejection of a single set of beliefs.